Call For Paper is closed! ❌
A heartfelt thank you to all the speakers, who dedicated their time to preparing high-quality abstracts for our Call for Papers 💕
Here are some numbers that might be interesting for you from our CFP! 📈
This year we received 141 proposals with the last proposal received on February 14 at 10:58 p.m. 😱
You can see the trend of the CFP submission in this graph:
You can clearly see how the procrastinators waited until the last minute before submitting their proposals. 😂
Most of our proposals come from Italy but we also received submissions from other 12 Countries!
Talking about the content, the most popular topic is… Web with the 24% of submissions:
The highly diverse yet rich nature of the various topics and speaker backgrounds sets the stage for an unforgettable experience in Pisa!
Stay Tuned!
Any questions? Email us at or reach out on our social channels!
DevFest Pisa Organizer team ❤️